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While OPE uses reasonable efforts to update the information on this website, OPE makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any information at this website. Opinions, advice and any other content at this website, including these Terms of Use, are subject to change without notice or liability. b

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The information contained herein is not investment advice. Any specific companies listed or discussed do not represent any or all companies purchased, sold or recommended since inception. One should not assume that all investments in the companies identified are or will be profitable or that the investment recommendations or decisions we make in the future will be profitable or will equal the investment performance of the securities discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

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We may terminate your access to this website for any reason, without prior notice. These Terms of Use shall survive any termination or expiration of your access to this website.

OMERS Private Equity Europe Limited (“OPE Europe”) Walker

Guidelines for Disclosure and Transparency in Private Equity

In 2007, a UK advisory group led by Sir David Walker published the Walker Guidelines for Disclosure and Transparency in Private Equity (the “Guidelines”), which make recommendations to encourage greater disclosure and transparency by private equity firms investing in United Kingdom portfolio companies.
OPE Europe has voluntarily agreed to endeavor to conform to the Guidelines on a “comply or explain” basis. OPE Europe also intends to work alongside its United Kingdom portfolio companies covered by the Walker Guidelines to do the same.
OMERS, OPE and OPE Europe
Founded in 1962, OMERS is one of Canada’s largest defined benefit pension plans. With employees in Toronto and other major cities across North America, the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia, OMERS invests and administers pensions for more than half a million active, deferred and retired municipal employees from communities across Ontario. OPE has been making private equity investments since 1987 on behalf of OMERS.
OPE’s core private equity approach is to acquire and actively manage interests in private companies through various phases of the investment lifecycle, including later stage buyout and earlier stage growth and venture investing. OPE aims to generate strong capital returns, while appropriately managing risk. OPE takes a thoughtful approach to capital deployment and invests in companies with solid business fundamentals, strong management teams, and opportunities to grow both organically and through acquisitions. OPE focuses primarily on four core verticals: Business Services, Healthcare, Industrials and Software & Technology. The companies OPE invests in are primarily headquartered in North America and Europe. In addition, the private equity asset class includes a comparatively small externally managed funds program to gain access to strategic geographies and sectors. The core OPE investment philosophy can be further described as follows:
  • Partner with incumbent management teams to grow businesses organically and by acquisition on a global basis;
  • Long-term and patient investor, focused on long-term value creation rather than near-term earnings; and
  • Permanent capital to invest behind organic and/or inorganic initiatives
OPE Europe, led by Senior Managing Director and Head of Europe, Jonathan Mussellwhite, has an experienced, growing and dedicated team of investment professionals with backgrounds in private equity, operations management, financial analysis and accounting, investment banking, consulting and law. Investment team biographies may be found here.
Conflicts of Interest
OMERS places significant importance on the prevention and management of conflicts of interest and has established internal procedures and controls to identify, prevent and manage conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of conducting its business.

OPE Europe portfolio companies

The OPE Europe portfolio companies subject to the Guidelines are:

  • Alexander Mann Solutions

  • Network Plus

Further details about these portfolio companies may be found on their respective websites.

Investor base

OPE is a captive private equity firm. Key stakeholders are the employees and members of OMERS, on whose behalf OPE manages private equity assets.

Financial Conduct Authority

OPE’s investments in Europe are sourced and arranged by OPE Europe which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom). Further details concerning OPE Europe ‘s authorization may be found on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website.

MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosure

OMERS Private Equity (Europe) Limited (the “Firm”) is classified under MIFIDPRU as a Small and Non-Interconnected firm (“SNI”) and this disclosure is made in accordance with the UK Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) Prudential sourcebook for MiFID Investment Firms (“MIFIDPRU”). Unless stated as otherwise, all figures contained in this disclosure are based on the firm’s audited annual reports for the year ending 31st December 2022.

The Firm is subject to the MIFIDPRU Remuneration Code (the “Remuneration Code”). In accordance with the Remuneration Code, the Firm has established a Remuneration Policy which is designed to ensure that the Firm’s remuneration practices:

  • are in line with the business strategy, and the sustained, long-term performance of the Firm;

  • neither encourage, nor reward risk taking outside the Firm Board’s appetite;

  • identifies and manages any conflicts of interest; and

  • promote sound and effective risk management.

Remuneration at the Firm is comprised of fixed and variable components:

  • Base salary: Fixed compensation based on market benchmarking and reviewed annually.

  • Benefits and Retirement Programs: Fixed compensation including vacation, life and disability insurance, health and dental benefits and retirement programs.

  • Short-Term Incentives: Variable (at-risk) compensation based on business and individual performance against pre-established objectives.

  • Long-Term Incentives: Variable (at-risk) compensation based on business and individual performance against pre-established objectives. Long-Term Incentive awards are deferred.

For the year ending 31st December 2022 relevant remuneration was as follows:

  • £3,580,105 fixed compensation and £20,064,375 variable compensation

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